10 ekor Ikan Lumek Salai
5 biji bawang merah [ dikisar ]
1 labu bawang besar [ di mayang halus ]
10 tangkai cili kering [ dikisar menjadi pes ]
1 sm halia, 1 sm lengkuas, 1 batang serai [ dikisar ]
Sedikit asam jawa
5 sudu santan segera
2 sm belacan
Gula & garam secukup rasa
1. Potong ikan lumek salai menjadi kepingan
2. Goreng hingga garing. Angkat dan ketepikan.
3. Tumiskan bahan kisar hingga layu.
4. Masukkan pes cili.
5. Apabila terbit minyak, masukkan air asam jawa, belacan,santan, gula & garam.
6. Apabila sebati, masukkan ikan lumek dan bawang besar yang dipotong bulat.
7. Goreng seketika dan angkat.
1 comment:
This may sound a little creepy, maybe even kind of "out there"....
HOW would you like it if you could simply hit "Play" to LISTEN to a short, "miracle tone"...
And INSTANTLY bring MORE MONEY to your life???
What I'm talking about is thousands... even MILLIONS of DOLLARS!
Sounds way too EASY??? Think this couldn't possibly be for REAL?
Well, I'll be the one to tell you the news..
Sometimes the most significant miracles in life are the SIMPLEST!
In fact, I will provide you with PROOF by letting you PLAY a real-life "magical abundance tone" I've produced...
You simply press "Play" and the money will start coming into your life... starting almost INSTANTLY...
CLICK here to PLAY this magical "Miracle Money TONE" as my gift to you!
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